When you’re going in, you don’t want anything distracting your decision makers from your actual presentation. You’ve done so much up to this point in learning about their organization and assessing their overall landscape. Also, let’s not forget how challenging it may have been to even get them to talk to you in the first place. Don’t blow it on wardrobe malfunctions, a sloppy appearance or poor hygiene issues, etc.
First, you already know your client, but, do you really know your client?
Have you seen how your client’s employees dress? What about the clients your client is servicing, how do they dress? Remember, this is just like a job interview and it is important not to overdress your prospect or underdress them. In other words, you can’t wear a polo and jeans in a law firm. YOU MUST DRESS THE PART! You have to relate to them. This will take some investigation on your part. Facebook stalking, website About Us page, Twitter, EmailSherlock.com is a great website that allows you to plug in an email and see what social media platforms they use. Continue reading →